Texas Wildbuds

Trichostema dichotomum

(Blue Curls)


Tricostema dichotomum, Bastrop State Park, Bastrop Co. 1621


Tricostema dichotomum, Bastrop State Park, Bastrop Co. 1615


Tricostema dichotomum, Bastrop State Park, Bastrop Co. 1612


Tricostema dichotomum, Bastrop State Park, Bastrop Co. 1629

Scientific Name Trichostema dichotomum USDA PLANTS Symbol TRDI2
Common Name Blue Curls, Forked Blue Curls ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 32364
Family Lamiaceae (Mint) SEINet
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Description Habitat: Sandy soils in open woods and streambanks.
Plant: Erect annual up to 28 inches tall (but may reach up to 40 inches), much-branched stems covered with minute hairs, somewhat glandular.
Leaves: Opposite, oblong to ovate, leaves up to 2-3/8 inches long and 1 inch wide, on short petioles about 1/2-inch or less long; surfaces have curled, pubescent hairs (may be somewhat glandular).
Inflorescence: Cymes arising from upper leaf axils with 3 to 7 purplish-blue blossoms on peduncles up to 2 inches long; each flower is about 3/4-inch across and is two-lipped; the lower lip is single-lobed, with a white center portion covered with purple dots and is much longer than the upper lip which has 4 upright lobes; there are 4 long stamens arching downward toward the lower lip.
Bloom Period: July to October.
Reference: "Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas" by Correll and Johnston, "Wildflowers of Texas" by Michael Eason, "Wildflowers of Texas" by Geyata Ajilvsgi and SEINet.
Note: Images here were taken late in the season in mid-October hence the reddish-brown coloring on the leaves.
BONAP Distribution Map

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Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025