Our website has been completely updated. We’ve added many new species and updated all of the plant pages to our new modern look. Please let me know if you find any broken links or other errors that were overlooked.
Thank you!
Tom Lebsack
This is our collection of Texas wildflower photos taken around the state with most from Central Texas and Big Bend. Included are descriptions and references for each of the plants. The website is organized to show the species by color and name. There are 788 identified species, subspecies and varieties on the site as of March 1, 2025.
Click on the images below to see our Recent Additions, our library of Wildflowers by Color and listings of wildflowers by family and name.
My objective in building this site is to present an educational experience incorporating quality wildflower images with correct identifications and descriptions. They are here to reference, use and enjoy.
A lot of care has been taken in plant identification but there are likely some mistakes. Please contact me if you find errors. And be sure to check out my Colorado Wildbuds website, too!
Tom Lebsack
My images of Lindheimer’s Globeberry (Ibervillea lindheimeri) and
White-top Sedge (Rhynchospora colorata) were the winning photos in the Central Great Plains and Gulf Coast Prairies and Marshes eco-regions, respectively, in the 2024 Native Plant Society of Texas Photo Contest. The Ibervillea photo was taken at Abilene State Park in Taylor County, and the Rhynchospora photo was taken at Goose Island State Park in Aransas County. Click here to see my entries in the contest, and here to see all of the entries by photographers throughout the state.
My images of Sand Bells (Nama hispida) and Kisses (Oenothera suffulta) were the winning photos in the Southern Texas Plains and Cross Timbers Eco-regions, respectively, in the 2023 Native Plant Society of Texas Photo Contest. The Nama photo was taken at Choke Canyon State Park in McMullen County, and the Oenothera photo was taken at Lake Whitney State Park in Hill County. Click here to see my entries in the contest, and here to see all of the entries by photographers throughout the state.
This website received the 2022 Digital Media Award from the Native Plant Society of Texas. This award "recognizes outstanding digital publications featuring Texas native plants.” I am very grateful to the Society for this honor.
Click here to see the other 2022 NPSOT awards.
My image of a Texas Bluebells (Eustoma exaltum) with a Common Longhorn Bee was the winning entry for the Edwards Plateau Eco-region in the 2022 Native Plant Society of Texas Photo Contest. It was taken along the Goodwater Trail at Lake Georgetown. Click here to see my other entries in the contest, and here to see all of the entries by photographers throughout the state.
My image of a Long Spur Columbine (Aquilegia longissima) shared the honors for Best in Show in the 2021 Native Plant Society of Texas Photo Contest, and was the winning entry for the Chihuahuan Desert Eco-region. It was taken in Big Bend National Park.
Two of my other photos were winners, also: Hog Potato (Hoffmannseggia glauca) in the Central Great Plains Eco-region and Plains Beeblossom (Oenothera patriciae) and the matching Rosy Maple Moth.
Click here to see my other entries in the contest and here to see all of the entries by photographers throughout the state.
My image of a Propellerflower (Alophius drummondii) was the winning entry for the East Central Eco-region in the 2020 Native Plant Society of Texas Photo Contest. It was taken at Bastrop State Park. Click here to see my other entries in the contest, and here to see all of the entries by photographers throughout the state.
Species distribution maps from Biota of North America (BONAP) have been added to the plant descriptions.
The website has been redesigned using new web development software called Blocs. We hope you enjoy our new look and would appreciate your comments.
Site updated: March 1 , 2025
The photographs on this site are copyrighted, but can be used with prior permission and attribution. Please contact me to request permission or if you would like prints.
Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County
© Tom Lebsack 2025