Texas Wildbuds

Salsola tragus

(Russian Thistle)


Salsola traugus, Hwy 118 north of Alpine, Brewster Co. 5483


Salsola traugus, Hwy 118 north of Alpine, Brewster Co. 5477


Salsola traugus, Lajitas Airport Trails, Brewster Co. 2028


Salsola traugus, Lajitas Airport Trails, Brewster Co. 2041

Scientific Name Salsola tragus USDA PLANTS Symbol SATR12
Common Name Russian Thistle, Tumbleweed ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 520950
Family Amaranthaceae (Amaranth) SEINet
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Description Habitat: Introduced species found in arid to semi-arid regions throughout almost all of the United States; various soil types, especially alkaline and saline soils in disturbed areas.
Plant: Highly variable; erect annual, many branched to a rounded appearance, from less than 3 to 6 feet tall depending on conditions; opposite stems often with red-purple striations; soft foliage when immature becoming stiff with sharp prickly spines.
Leaves: Green stem leaves mostly alternate, filiform or narrowly-linear, 0.6 to 2 inches long and ending in a sharp spine.
Inflorescence: Open spike with solitary or clusters of 2 to 3 inconspicuous, greenish to cream flowers; 5-lobed flowers are small, ~1/4-inch across or less with 3 to 5 stamens and a short style with 2 stigma branches; flowers subtended by a single long bract and two shorter bracteoles, all three rigid and sharply tipped.
Bloom Period: July to October.
References: Southwest Desert Flora, Flora of North America, USDA Plant Guide, and Jepson Herbarium.
BONAP Distribution Map

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Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025