Texas Wildbuds

Botrychium biternatum

(Sparse-lobed Grapefern)


Botrychium biternatum, Big Thicket, Polk Co. 07991


Botrychium biternatum, Big Thicket, Polk Co. 08004


Botrychium biternatum, Big Thicket, Polk Co. 07989

Scientific Name Botrychium biternatum (Sceptridium biternatum) USDA PLANTS Symbol BOBI
Common Name Sparse-lobed Grapefern, Southern Grapefern ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 17175
Family Ophioglossaceae (Adder's Tongue) SEINet
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Description Habitat: Moist soils in bottomland forests and in ravines in drier forests.
Plant: Short, erect perennial, evergreen fern 4 to 14 inches tall; single leaf in two parts arising from the ground with what appear as two separate stalks, a leaf-like portion (trophophore) and a fertile portion (sporophore).
Trophophore: Triangular in outline and two or three times divided into pinnae ("leaflets") that are green to dark green, lanceolate, with serrate margins, turning reddish brown in fall.
Sporophore: The fertile (spore-bearing) portion of the leaf splits away at the lower third of the shared stalk; at the top of its erect stalk, it has a two or three times pinnately-compound clusters of rounded, yellowish spore-bearing structures resembling tiny grapes.
Bloom Period: Spores are released August–November.
References: Ferns of Texas, Alabama Plant Atlas, Flora of North America and Sceptridium biternatum in iNaturalist.
BONAP Distribution Map

Sceptridium biternatum
Map Color Key
Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025