Texas Wildbuds

Xanthisma spinulosum var. chihuahuanum

(Chihuahua Tansyaster)


Xanthisma spinulosum var. chihuahuanum, Ernst Tinaja, Big Bend National Park 2257/2259


Xanthisma spinulosum var. chihuahuanum, Ernst Tinaja, Big Bend National Park 4719


Xanthisma spinulosum var. chihuahuanum, Cerro Castellan, Big Bend National Park 2370


Xanthisma spinulosum var. chihuahuanum, Ernst Tinaja, Big Bend National Park 4726


Xanthisma spinulosum var. chihuahuanum, Cerro Castellan, Big Bend National Park 2372


Xanthisma spinulosum var. chihuahuanum, Ernst Tinaja, Big Bend National Park 4732


Xanthisma spinulosum var. chihuahuanum, Ernst Tinaja, Big Bend National Park 2271


Xanthisma spinulosum var. chihuahuanum, Cerro Castellan, Big Bend National Park 2374

Scientific Name Xanthisma spinulosum var. chihuahuanum
(Machaeranthera pinnatifida var. chihuahuana)
Common Name Chihuahua Tansyaster ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 780983
Family Asteraceae (Sunflower) Flora of North America Ref. Click Here
Description Habitat: Clay or rocky soils in washes, prairies and roadsides; desert environment.
Plant: Erect perennial 12 to 20 inches tall; multiple tangled smooth or slightly hairy stems from woody base.
Leaves: Numerous stem leaves, usually somewhat hairy, 1 to 3 inches long; lower leaves lanceolate overall, pinnatifid lobes with spines at lobe tips, central portion much wider than lobes; upper leaves with few or no lobes, becoming linear-oblong, tips rounded with short spines.
Inflorescence: Terminal, compound yellow flowers about 1 inch or less across; 14 to 60 rays and 30-plus yellow disk florets; phyllary tips not bent and do not have a spine.
Bloom Period: Spring to fall.
References: American Southwest, Flora of North America and Machaeranthera pinnatifida in "Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas" by Correll and Johnston.
Notes: Xanthisma spinulosum is a highly variable species with several variants, chihuahuanum being found in the Chihuahua desert (including portions of Big Bend). Some of the variations occur in the leaves and the degree to which the margins are lobed, and the presence, or lack of, small spines on the phyllary tips.
BONAP Distribution Map

Map Color Key
Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025