Texas Wildbuds

Tradescantia humilis

(Texas Spiderwort)


Tradescantia humilis, Winedale, Fayette Co. 2431


Tradescantia humilis, Bastrop State Park, Bastrop Co. 3181


Tradescantia humilis, Bastrop State Park, Bastrop Co. 3181


Tradescantia humilis, Enchanted Rock Natural Area, Llano Co. 5366


Tradescantia humilis, Enchanted Rock State Park, Llano Co. 7627


Tradescantia humilis, Enchanted Rock Natural Area, Llano Co. 5357


Tradescantia humilis, Enchanted Rock Natural Area, Llano Co. 5360

Scientific Name Tradescantia humilis USDA PLANTS Symbol TRHU
Common Name Texas Spiderwort ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 39165
Family Commelinaceae (Spiderwort) SEINet
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Description Habitat: Sandy and rocky soils of the Central and South Texas; disturbed areas, roadsides and fencerows.
Plant: Upright perennial, spreading stems, branched particularly at base; several inches tall.
Leaves: Narrow, recurved linear to lanceolate leaves 4 to 8 inches long; edges are crisped, ciliate and purple-tinged; surfaces smooth or with soft, downy hairs.
Inflorescence: Blue/violet blossoms on pedicels 1/2 to 1-inch long, each blossom about 1 inch across with three broad, pointed petals, 6 stamens; with dull green bracts similar to leaf form, hairy, purple-tinged.
Blooming Period: March to June.
Reference: "Wildflowers of Texas" by Michael Eason, SEINet and Texas A&M/Uvalde
BONAP Distribution Map

Map Color Key
Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025