Texas Wildbuds

Salvia azurea

(Blue Sage)


Salvia azurea, Lake Livingston State Park, Polk Co. 9811


Salvia azurea, Lake Livingston State Park, Polk Co. 9767


Salvia azurea, Lake Livingston State Park, Polk Co. 9808


Salvia azurea, Lake Livingston State Park, Polk Co. 9780


Salvia azurea, Lake Livingston State Park, Polk Co. 9797


Salvia azurea, Lake Livingston State Park, Polk Co. 9750


Salvia azurea, Lake Livingston State Park, Polk Co. 9762


Salvia azurea, Lake Livingston State Park, Polk Co. 9790

Scientific Name Salvia azurea USDA PLANTS Symbol SAAZ
Common Name Blue Sage, Pitcher Sage ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 32699
Family Lamiaceae (Mint) SEINet
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Description Habitat: Dry, rocky soils in prairies, flats, and in open areas in oak or cedar hillsides and woodlands.
Plant: Upright to sprawling, leafy perennial with single or branched, somewhat hairy stems; up to 5 feet tall.
Leaves: Opposite stem leaves; lower lanceoleate or oblong, up to 4 inches ling and 1-5/8 inches wide, blunt tip and tapering to a petiole, margins denticulate or serrate; upper leaves smaller, linear and entire.
Inflorescence: Many small clusters of flowers in a long, slender terminal spike; blossoms arranged in whorls, each 1/2 to 1 inch long; dark to pale blue corolla with white throat, two-lipped with small upper lip and broad lower lip that is barely noticeable as being three-lobed.
Bloom Period: May to November.
Reference: "Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas" by Correll and Johnston, Wildflower Center and "Wildflowers of Texas" by Geyata Ajilsvsgi.
BONAP Distribution Map

Map Color Key
Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025