Texas Wildbuds

Ranunculus macranthus

(Large Buttercup)


Ranunculus macranthus, McKinney Falls State Park, Travis Co. 2851


Ranunculus macranthus, Enchanted Rock Natural Area, Llano Co. 5487


Ranunculus macranthus, Inks Lake State Park, Burnet Co. 2313


Ranunculus macranthus, Enchanted Rock Natural Area, Llano Co. 5500


Ranunculus macranthus, McKinney Falls State Park, Travis Co. 2856


Ranunculus macranthus, Inks Lake State Park, Burnet Co. 2318


Ranunculus macranthus, Enchanted Rock Natural Area, Llano Co. 5494


Ranunculus macranthus, Inks Lake State Park, Burnet Co. 2322

Scientific Name Ranunculus macranthus USDA PLANTS Symbol RAMA3
Common Name Large Buttercup ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 18626
Family Ranunculaceae (Buttercup) SEINet
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Description Habitat: Wet soils along ditches and creeks, and in seeps, ravines and low meadows.
Plant: Upright to sprawling perennial with hairy stems erect or reclining, to 3 feet long.
Leaves: Basal leaves on petioles 2 to 10 inches long; blade usually cut into 3 to 7 leaflets; leaflets lobed, or entire or slightly toothed; stem leaves clasping, densely hairy and deeply cleft.
Inflorescence: Bright-yellow, fragrant, cup-shaped flowers arising on peduncles from leaf axils; 3/4 to 1-5/8 inches across, 8 to 22 rounded overlapping petals.
Bloom Period: March to June.
References: "Wildflowers of Texas" by Geyata Ajilvsgi.
BONAP Distribution Map

Map Color Key
Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025