Texas Wildbuds

Pityopsis graminifolia var. latifolia

(Narrowleaf Silkgrass)


Pityopsis graminifolia, Scrappin Valley, Newton Co. 3807


Pityopsis graminifolia, Scrappin Valley, Newton Co. 3798


Pityopsis graminifolia, Scrappin Valley, Newton Co. 3799


Pityopsis graminifolia, Scrappin Valley, Newton Co. 3804

Scientific Name Pityopsis graminifolia var. latifolia USDA PLANTS Symbol PIGRL
Common Name Narrowleaf Silkgrass ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 531104
Family Asteraceae (Sunflower) SEINet
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Description Habitat: Sandy soils in wooded areas, along roadsides and in waste areas. .
Plant: Erect perennial with 1 to 5 (or more) stems 8 to 20 inches tall.
Leaves: Grass-like basal leaves, linear to lanceolate, 3 to 10 inches long (or more) and less than 1/8 to 3/4-inch wide; stem leaves similar but generally shorter than basal leaves, especially upward, spreading to ascending; faces with fine, silky hairs.
Inflorescence: Arrays of a few to many bright yellow composite flower heads about an inch across, each with 9 to 13 rays and 15 to 50 disk florets in the center; involucres below have layers of overlapping silky-hairy phyllaries; peduncles from less than one inch to 4 inches long.
Bloom Period: August to November.
References: Flora of North America and "Shinners & Mahler’s Flora of North Central Texas" by Diggs, Lipscomb and O’Kennon.
BONAP Distribution Map

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Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025