Texas Wildbuds

Oenothera hartwegii

(Hartweg’s Sundrops)


Oenothera hartwegii, US 385 north of Marathon, Brewster Co. 4512


Oenothera hartwegii, Waterhole Trail, Big Bend Ranch State Park 4760


Oenothera hartwegii, Canyon Rim Trail, Caprock Canyons State Park 7597


Oenothera hartwegii, Camino Viejo Trail, Big Bend Ranch State Park, Brewster Co. 5204


Oenothera hartwegii, US 385 north of Marathon, Brewster Co. 4517


Oenothera hartwegii, Canyon Rim Trail, Caprock Canyons State Park 7608


Oenothera hartwegii, US 385 north of Marathon, Brewster Co. 4504


Oenothera hartwegii, Camino Viejo Trail, Big Bend Ranch State Park, Brewster Co. 5253

Scientific Name Oenothera hartwegii (Calylophus hartwegii) USDA PLANTS Symbol CAHA14
Common Name Hartweg's Sundrops ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 517700
Family Onagraceae (Evening Primrose) SEINet
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Description Habitat: Sandy and limestone soils in various ecologies including deserts, plains, foothills and canyons.
Plant: Bushy perennial herb from a woody caudex; stems woody near the base, ascending to almost erect, somewhat branched; 4 to 16 inches tall.
Leaves: Alternate, sessile stem leaves with linear to oblong-lanceolate, 3/8 to 2 inches long and 3/16 to 3/8-inch wide; edges entire to denticulate; leaf surfaces smooth, hairy, or glandular-hairy.
Inflorescence: Arising from the upper leaf axils, solitary, showy flowers 3/4 to 2+ inches across, with 4 yellow petals becoming reddish; 8 yellow stamens and prominent yellow stigma; 4 sepals reflexed beneath; floral tube 5/8 to 2-1/8 inches long; flower opens in the afternoon or near sunset.
Bloom Period: March to October.
References: "Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas" by Correll and Johnston and SEINet.
BONAP Distribution Map

Map Color Key
Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025