Texas Wildbuds

Lepidium virginicum

(Virginia Pepperweed)


Lepidicum virginicum, Along CR 312 southeast of Llano, Llano Co. 4202


Lepidicum virginicum, Along CR 312 southeast of Llano, Llano Co. 4202


Lepidicum virginicum, Along US 380 east of Jayton, Kent Co. 8491


Lepidicum virginicum, Along US 380 east of Jayton, Kent Co. 8494


Lepidicum virginicum, Along US 380 east of Jayton, Kent Co. 8497-2


Lepidicum virginicum, Along US 380 east of Jayton, Kent Co. 8497-1

Scientific Name Lepidium virginicum USDA PLANTS Symbol LEVI3
Common Name Peppergrass, Virginia Pepperweed ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 22955
Family Brassicaceae (Mustard) SEINet
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Description Habitat: Sandy soils along roadsides and other disturbed and waste areas.
Plant: Somewhat erect annual or biennial plant with single, multiply-branched stem, 6 to 24 inches tall; stems minutely pubescent below and smooth above.
Leaves: Variable from long (5 inch) basal and lower stem leaves, pinnatifid, to oblanceolate, with serrate segments; midstem leaves 1-1/2 inches long, oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate and serrate, to small, less than one-inch long linear leaves nearer the top.
Inflorescence: Small white flowers 1/16 to 1/8 inch across in dense, branched clusters 2 to 4 inches long borne laterally and terminally on the stems; 4 greenish-white sepals, and up to 4 white petals that are longer than the sepals.
Bloom Period: March to May.
Fruit: Flat, round siliques with a small dent at the end, on pedicels 1/4 to 1/2-inch long.
References: "Wildflowers of the Texas Hill Country" by Marshall Enquist, "Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas" by Correll and Johnston, and SEINet.
BONAP Distribution Map

Map Color Key
Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025