This page is taken from the Northern Ontario Plant Database website.
Entire - a smooth margin with no indentations or incisions.
Crenulate - margins with small rounded or blunt teeth, diminutive of crenate.
Serrate - margins with pointed teeth directed forward, towards the apex of the leaf.
Crenate - margins with shallow rounded or blunt teeth.
Dentate - margins with pointed teeth directed outward, perpendicular to the midrib.
Double serrate - coarsely serrate margin with smaller teeth on the margins of larger teeth.
Denticulate - margins with small pointed teeth directed outward, perpendicular to the midrib, diminutive of dentate.
Broad-crenate - margins with widely spaced, rounded or blunt teeth, e.g., many violets (Viola, Violaceae).
Serrulate - margins with small pointed teeth directed forward, towards the apex of the leaf, diminutive of serrate.
Erose - with margins appearing gnawed, indentations shallow and irregular.
Revolute - with margins rolled inward on the lower surface of the leaf.
Involute - with margins rolled inward on the upper surface of the leaf.
Ciliate - with hairs projecting out from the leaf margin.
Spinescent - (also spinose) with stiff acuminate spines along the blade margin.
Repand - margins with very shallow indentations, cut less than 1/16 the distance to the midrib.
Undulate - margins with shallow indentations, wavy in a vertical plane.
Sinuate - margins with shallow wavy indentations, cut to ¼ the distance to the midrib.
Lobed - (pinnately or palmately) with rounded lobes and rounded sinuses cut ¼ to ½ the distance to the midrib.
Cleft - (pinnately or palmately) with rounded lobes and convex or straight sinuses cut ¼ to ½ the distance to the midrib.
Parted - (pinnately or palmately) with lobes cut ½ to ¾ the distance to the midrib.
Palmatifid - (palmately divided) with lobes cut palmately ¾ to almost completely to the midrib.
Pinnatifid - (pinnately divided) with lobes cut pinnately ¾ to almost completely to the midrib.
Incised - jagged margins cut sharply and deeply.
Lacerate - margins irregularly cut, appearing torn.
Pectinate - pinnately divided into fine, parallel segments, comb- or feather-like.
Dissected - with narrow divisions finely subdivided into many smaller segments.
Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County
© Tom Lebsack 2025