Texas Wildbuds

Hypericum crux-andreae

(St. Peter’s Wort)


Hypericum crux-andreae, Pitcher Plant Trail, Big Thicket, Tyler Co. 9868


Hypericum crux-andreae, Pitcher Plant Trail, Big Thicket, Tyler Co. 9863


Hypericum crux-andreae, Pitcher Plant Trail, Big Thicket, Tyler Co. 9857

Scientific Name Hypericum crux-andrea (Ascyrum stans) USDA PLANTS Symbol HYCR
Common Name St. Peter's Wort ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 503132
Family Hypericaceae (St. John's Wort) SEINet
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Description Habitat: Sandy soils in bogs, swamp woods, pond and lake margins, moist grasslands and pine woodlands.
Plant: Perennial with erect or nearly erect, usually unbranched stems, 1 to 4 feet tall.
Leaves: Opposite, usually oblong-elliptic, 1/2 to 1-1/2 inches long and 1/4 to 5/8-inch wide; upper leaves are clasping.
Inflorescence: Bright yellow flowers borne singly or in cymes of a few blossoms; each up to 1-1/4 inches wide with four obovate petals; many yellow, protruding stamens; outer 2 sepals are nearly round and cordate.
Bloom Period: June to September.
References: Ascyrum stans in "Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas" by Correll and Johnston; Hypericum crux-andrea in "Wildflowers of Texas" by Michael Eason and Flora of North America.
Note: Images here were taken in late November after flowers had dropped, but the round, outer sepals are still present.
BONAP Distribution Map

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Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025