Texas Wildbuds

Evolvulus alsinoides

(Slender Dwarf Morning-glory)


Evolvulus alsinoides, Cattail Falls Trail, Big Bend National Park 3514


Evolvulus alsinoides, Choke Canyon State Park, McMullen Co. 8641


Evolvulus alsinoides, Lake Corpus Christi State Park, San Patricio Co. 5610


Evolvulus alsinoides, Cattail Falls Trail, Big Bend National Park 3509


Evolvulus alsinoides, Choke Canyon State Park, McMullen Co. 8646


Evolvulus alsinoides, Choke Canyon State Park, McMullen Co. 8642


Evolvulus alsinoides, Lake Corpus Christi State Park, San Patricio Co. 5605


Evolvulus alsinoides, Cattail Falls Trail, Big Bend National Park 3505

Scientific Name Evolvulus alsinoides USDA PLANTS Symbol EVAL
Common Name Slender Dwarf Morning-glory ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 30846
Family Convolvulaceae (Morning Glory) SEINet
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Description Habitat: Dry soils in disturbed areas, open areas, grasslands and brushlands.
Plant: Small somewhat branched perennial, spreading or upright; stems 8 to 24 inches long.
Leaves: Short-petiolate or sessile, alternate, lanceolate to oblong, up to 7/8 inch long and less than half as wide; with ciliate margins and surfaces covered with fine hairs.
Inflorescence: Flowers on short, slender pedicels arising from the leaf axils; blossoms less than 1/2-inch across; saucer-shaped with 5 rounded, sometimes cleft petals, white or pale blue with white centers; 5 white stamens.
Bloom Period: April to September.
References: "Wildflowers of Texas" by Michael Eason and SEINet.
BONAP Distribution Map

Map Color Key
Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025