Texas Wildbuds

Androstephium coeruleum

(Blue Funnel-lily)


Androstephium coeruleum, McKinney Falls State Park, Travis Co. 2914

Scientific Name Androstephium coeruleum USDA PLANTS Symbol ANCO9
Common Name Blue Funnel-lily ITIS Taxonomic Serial No. 42778
Family Asparagaceae (Asparagus) SEINet
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Description Habitat: Prairies, grassy slopes, frequently in rocky areas.
Plant: Erect perennial with a single leafless flowering stalk arising from bulb about 3 inches below ground; smooth, waxy green, usually 4 to 6 inches tall.
Leaves: Several narrowly linear basal leaves up to 12 inches long.
Inflorescence: Terminal umbel of 1 to 6 violet-purple funnel-shaped blossoms, 1 or 2 blooming at a time; corolla tube up 3/4 to 1-1/5 inches long spreading at its midpoint into 6 lobes resembling petals; 6 stamens and stigma enclosed in tube (or crown) in the center and projecting about 3/8-inch.
Bloom Period: March and April.
References: Kansas Wildflowers & Grasses, "Wildflowers of the Texas Hill Country" by Marshall Enquist, and "Manual of the Vascular Plants of Texas" by Correll and Johnston.
BONAP Distribution Map

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Texas Status:

Banner photo of Castilleja indivisa and Lupinus ssp. taken along FM 1323 north of Johnson City, Blanco County

© Tom Lebsack 2025